Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tool 6 Google docs and Twitter

For the 6th tool i found that Twitter and Google Docs could work best for me.  I went to twitter and created a screen name and then was up and running.  I can give the students my twitter and ask them to add me.  They would have real time updates for homework, answering questions, and as well giving feedback.  Excellent tool for more than just assignments though.  It helps students get in touch with each other as well as celebrities.  They could do multiple writing assignments pertaining to the updates they receive via twitter or possibly trying to get someone famous to reply to their comments.

With Google Docs i could have a digital classroom in a matter of moments.  Students could pair this with and then have grades and worksheets at their monitor at all times.  If students are going to be using their smart phones and laptops all the time, may as well have an outlet to be more productive with Google docs.

twitter update number one



tools #5 web 2.0

The web 2.0 tools is a breath of fresh air.  I feel that I am behind in some areas because I have been using archaic methods when it comes to presentations and certain types of projects.  I am now going to incorporate the animoto for the new versions of power points and presentations and as well the MAKEBELIEFS comix for my word wall words.  These two web tools will enhance the students imagination when it comes to English I and as well keep me awake when grading the redundant vocabulary.

Okay.. .I decided to use my wordwall example and here is the link. #1 Word wall "Make Beliefs"

As well here is the annimoto.  This is a random creation. #2 Annimoto for video projects. 


Jason Campbell

tool #4

Tool number 4 was fairly brief.  My google docs was sufficiently full but sharing information  was quite interesting.  I created a form that taught me to open this up to more students.  Maybe in the future i will ask all of my students to use Google docs so i can share the worksheets with them and then collect all of my data digitally.  I could always have this information available and they could print out hard copies if they need to do so. Life just got a bit easier.

Tool 3 - videos and blogs


I previously had a YOUTUBE account and it was banned because of copyright infringement.  I filed a counter claim because of the ideas that were in question were not copyright violations.  Either way, i lost the argument after filing all the necessary paper work and all of my videos were lost.  A lesson was gained or learned though, in the process. Make sure every bit of video, whether song or words, that come from any place else, is documented.  Done deal.

I went to other video websites such as teacher tube and school tube in search of clips that i could use for my classroom.  My English class is more than just reading and writing.  I expect that my students learn real life applications.  I expect my students to learn about their own innocence and how their decisions affect more than just themselves.  Hopefully this will help them to understand life a bit more clearly.

Here are a couple of videos that could be used in class.

Community service or is it?

Willy Shakes project ideas (Shakespeare)



Tool #2 Finding Blogs and more

Learning to find blogs and more was not very challenging (which was good) because I do not mind surfing the web to find other things that could potentially make me a better teacher.  The early part of this content is an excellent refresher in things that I need slight touch ups on in order to continue using technology to its fullest.  The websites that I have been going to have been in my secondary field, which is the basketball because my resources for English extend to several campuses already.
Sharing my thoughts on certain ideas and topics is nothing new because I use online media and social outlets often.  The main blog that i found that I plan on continuing to check for updates is  This blog is highly informative and also updated often.
I will be in touch...


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Coach Jason Campbell

Well, well, well... What do we have here! This is my first blog and hopefully there will be more to come. So far.... So good. See you guys soon. This is coach campbell from memorial in Houston Twitter name is - job_8_7